Free cribbage

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Health Commissioner Martin Tremmel and Richland County Youth and Family Council Director Teresa Alt with a Cribette and Safe Sleep Survival kit. Infant mortality is a significant concern in Ohio and Richland County and having a safe sleep environment for an infant is an important way to reduce these tragedies.” Potentially, we could be providing a Cribette for half of these kids. “About one out of two of those children are born to mothers who qualify for Medicaid. “There are approximately 1,000 children born in Richland County every year,” said Martin Tremmel, Health Commissioner at Richland Public Health. Cribettes are compact cribs that easily fold out to full-size cribs to make a safe sleep environment for children from newborn up to 30 pounds. Richland County Youth and Family Council is providing $25,000 for the cribs, which will purchase approximately 300 Cribettes. Richland County, OH - Richland Public Health and partner agencies are distributing FREE cribs (called Cribettes) to Medicaid-eligible new mothers and mothers-to-be through funds provided by the Richland County Youth and Family Council. Richland Public Health and Partnering Agencies to Distribute FREE Cribs through funds provided by Richland County Youth and Family Council

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